
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Soccer Juggling--3 Styles

Monday, December 7, 2015

$28 Buy Tae Kwon Do Uniforms Now

Email me your size and address at tad@athenssocceracademy.com, and then purchase your uniform...using the Paypal button below.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Sparring Tips From How To TaeKwonDo

Week 1 of our Sparring School reveals we are not in Sparring shape and one mInute of Sparring work can generate a few lessons...

Look at range--Black Slides in and out of striking range
--Good Opening Kick by Red
--Watch the right hand of Black Fighter
--Foootwork at :32
Red Point :38
--Black needs to use left leg

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Palgwe Sam Jang--Fire and Sun

Palgwe Sam Jang--Fire and Sun

3 (SAM JANG) - A series of actions expressing the RI principle of Palgwe. RI represents fire and the sun. Fire gives us warmth and the sun gives us light, and both represent hope. It should be performed rhythmically, with some outbursts of energy and with passion.
-- http://www.southsidebusiness.com/southside/index.php/ad-pages/954-taegeuk-forms-and-meanings-and-other-taekwondo-info


Friday, October 16, 2015

October Schedule--Albany Free School

Albany TaeKwonDo meets with Peter Zeisler​ tonight 6:30-7:30
5196 Washington Road, Albany Ohio--Inside the Elementary Building

October 23 6:30-7:30  Tad Albano​ // 7:30-8:00PM Pre- Black Belts Palgwe Sam Jang #3

October 30 Holly DeLong​ 6:30-7:30
Be there in Mind Body and Spirit

Sunday, September 20, 2015

TaeGuk/Palgwe Forms Meaning

The student who discovers that TaeKwonDo Forms have meaning beyond the practice of the technical and rhythmical applications, discovers an avenue for the Martial Arts to impact the Mind and Spirit as well as the Body.

A very brief description of psychological attitudes in relation to the trigrams reveals a world of meaning hidden
the eight Principles we have been working on.

These are offered toward refining the performance and understanding of our "forms" .

These are taken from an article I previously posted.


Technique--Knowledge of Poomse--Attitude--Eye Focus and Precision--Posture and Balance--Timing--Power--Breathing and Kihop--Secondly I wanted to say a small piece about each Taegeuk Poomse.  These characteristics allow the TKD practitioner to train their mental along with the physical, their mind along with their body.  These are taken from the same article as above

1 Taegeuk Il Jong--   Heaven and Light--Perfection--Ease

2 E Jong--  Lake  Joy--Perform Gently but Firmly-- Inner Firmness  Outer Softness

3 Sam Jong--  Fire Sun Clarity--Perform Rhythmically with outbursts of Energy and Passion

4 Sa Jong--Arousing Thunder--Remain Calm and Brave when faced with Danger  Great power and Dignity

5 O Jong--Soft Wind  Tornado--Remain humble in mind  Act Forcefully only if you must--Gentle Powerful Wind

6 Yook Jong--Flowing Water-- Proceed w Confidence when facing Difficulty/Hardship
7 Chil Jong-- Stubborn Mountain--Stability-- Know when to proceed and when to stop  Don't act in a hasty manner 
Pul Jong  --Receptive Earth--  Beginning and End

The TaeGuk Forms each express a principle of Palgwe.



Taegeuk 1 (IL JANG) - A series of actions expressing the KEON principle of Palgwe. KEON represents heaven and light, which is the beginning of everything.
Taegeuk 2 (YI JANG) - A series of actions expressing the TAE principle of Palgwe. TAE represents
joyfulness so this should be performed gently but firmly. This principle teaches us that mind must

remain firm, but outwardly we must appear gentle.

Taegeuk 3 (SAM JANG) - A series of actions expressing the RI principle of Palgwe. RI represents fire and the sun. Fire gives us warmth and the sun gives us light, and both represent hope. It should be performed rhythmically, with some outbursts of energy and with passion.

Taegeuk 4 (SA JANG) - A series of actions expressing the JIN principle of Palgwe. JIN represents thunder. Thunder and lightening are sources of fear and danger. This principle teaches us that we must remain calm and brave when faced with danger and fear.

Taegeuk 5 (OH JANG) - A series of actions expressing the SEON principle of Palgwe. SEON represents the wind. While wind can be terrible as in a tornado, the nature of wind is gentle. This principle teaches us that we must remain humble in mind, and only act forcefully when we must.

Taegeuk 6 (YOOK JANG) - A series of actions expressing the GAM principle of Palgwe. GAM represents water and the principle teaches us that we must proceed with confidence when facing difficulty and hardship if we are to overcome them.

Taegeuk 7 (CHIL JANG) - A series of actions expressing the GAN principle of Palgwe. GAN represents the Mountain. It teaches us that we must attain the stability of the mountain. We must not act in a hasty manner and should know when to proceed and when to stop.

Taegeuk 8 (PAL JANG) - A series of actions expressing the GON principle of Palgwe, which is defined as the quality of being receptive. GON represents the earth, which is the cradle of life. It is the earth that embodies the creative forces of heaven.

•Taegeuk 1 (IL JANG): Keon - Symbolizes heaven and light and has 18 movements.
•Taegeuk 2 (YI JANG): Tae - Symbolizes joyfulness and has 18 movements.
•Taegeuk 3 (SAM JANG): Ri - Symbolizes fire and sun and has 20 movements.
•Taegeuk 4 (SA JANG): Jin - Symbolizes thunder and has 20 movements.
•Taegeuk 5 (OH JANG): Seon – Symbolizes wind and has 20 movements.
•Taegeuk 6 (YOOK JANG): Gam - Symbolizes water and has 23 movements.
•Taegeuk 7 (CHIL JANG): Gan – Symbolizes the mountain and has 25 movements.
•Taegeuk 8 (PAL JANG): Gon – Symbolizes the earth and has 24 movements.





Saturday, February 21, 2015

Black Belt Academy

How To TaeKwonDo Black Belt Academy is designed to transform the student from a belt rank to a black belt mentality. Focused black belt training will begin with refining techniques and mastering forms; students will study sparring, KI energy techniques, breaking techniques, and weaponry with a goal of increasing individual power.

Students who have successfully passed the Annual Black Belt Exams through Athens TaeKwonDo become eligible to gain their Kukkiwon (World Taekwondo headquarters) certification via Skype trainings and Promotion via video link to Master Jensen in California (one of my training partners from my youth school).

Kukkiwon (국기원; 國技院),

Black Belt Academy Meets Sundays at 6pm

Saturday, February 7, 2015

White Belt Poomse 2--Kicho 2

Here is the Second White Belt Form.

--Notice the "Chambering" of the Leg as the student moves forward to block up or high. The feet are drawn in closer together, almost so to set up the pivot and generate that power from the foot to the hand.  The notion of generating this type of spinning power is essential to good impact.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Supermarket 1st Order

Pro Force V Neck Uniform--Size 4 $22.95

Patches $ --USA 1.50 --Korea 1.75 --TKD 3.25=  $6.50

Basic Uniform Size 4 $16.50

White Belt Form 1: Ki Bon Il Jang

Here is what I came to know as Ki Bon Il Jang or White Belt Form 1:
Two Technical differences have this version drawing the feet together as the student steps forward, and the Ki-hop in this version is delivered after the technique.

Also, the name for "form" in TaeKwonDo was "Poomse".

Basic White Uniform Super Special Sale: TaeKwonDo Supermarket

Basic White Uniform Sale: $12.00
Fold Over Front Design
Cotton Poly Blend
Sizes 000, 00, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5 Only

While Supplies Last

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Supermarket--How To Tae Kwon Do

How To TaeKwonDo announces the Opening of the

 TaeKwonDo Supermarket.



 Athens TaeKwonDo has a belt test scheduled for March 2015.  Between February 1 and Mid-March,  students should work on their basic uniform, bag, and footwear.  I'd like us all to have basic white V-Neck Uniforms with the standard patches you see below. 

I'd also like for students to arrive in plain clothes and change over to the dobok in the locker room.  Students can wear shorts or Under Armor below their uniform if they prefer. I'd also like us all to have some form of soft training shoe.
You do not have to get your gear here, and it doesn't have to be this exact uniform brand for instance.  I've also included a few accessory items such as DVD's and T shirts, and feel free to request items, and I can check with our supplier, Martial Arts Supermarket.

Orders can be placed by contacting How To TaeKwonDo via
 Email @ tenedor3@yahoo.com with Supermarket Order in the subject Line.

Basic Uniform DoBok

Pro Force Sizes 000--6 Price range $16.95--$24.95

shoes not included

Embroidered Uniform Patches

USA Left Sleeve $1.50

Korea Right Sleeve $1.75

TKD Bag Patch $3.25

Equipment Bags

Expandable Backpack $29.99
Measures 12" long x 16" high x 5" deep, expands to 10" deep.

TKD Basic Bag $32.99  27" long x 9" wide x 13" deep

 Foot Wear

Tatami Flip Flop Shoe$12.99
Foam Rubber Sole Tatami mat insole, Velvet Straps, Sizes 2-12

 Pine Tree TKD $24.95 Limited Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4.5, 5, 6, 6.5

Adidas TKD $69.99 Adult Sizes 4-13

TKD Apparel 

TaeKwonDo Essential Terms T Shirt $12.95
Cotton Poly Blend Sizes Children's M to Adult XL

TKD Gold Letter T Shirt $8.99

TaeKwonDo DVD
Hoang Ngi SparringTechniques, Tactics, and Skills 115 Minutes $26.96

TKD Sparring DVD $24.49
Maurice Elmalem, Stretching, Three Step Sparring, Self Defense, Street Defense

Korean Ki Energy DVD Gicheon $22.49
Sang-Won Lee Headmaster Korea Gicheon Association

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Welcome to How to TaeKwonDo

Welcome to How to TaeKwonDo,   
My name is Tad Albano, and I have been the Wednesday TKD Teacher for your child.  I have sent them with information, so that they can understand a bit better about how I conduct class.

This is my way of keeping you informed on what we are currently working on in TaeKwonDo, and is a for you to keep your child's interest and learning curve at the peak edge in this amazing art.
Please use these resources and stay in touch with me as I can better instruct your child that way.  I typically work in soccer via my club, Athens Soccer Academy, and this spring you may get an invitation to add to your child's athletic engagement. ASA is currently training and competing indoor teams at the Under 6, Under 8, Under 10, Under 12, Under 14, and High School Girls levels.

1st let me introduce you to the How to TKD Blog
--Here is the link to the TKD Blog--http://howtotaekwondo.blogspot.com/
Next you should be aware and maybe subscribe to
--Here is the YouTube Channel for How To TaeKwonDo--http://goo.gl/wBIu8r

Twitter@How2Tkd Twitter handle
There are two videos on YouTube to watch
One Step Defense Sparring

Open Sparring And finally here is the Quarterly Checklist. I would like for everyone to be familiar with these terms and techniques BEFORE the belt test, we are spending class time reviewing these currently, so the sooner your child has the counting, greetings, tenets, and commands down, we can proceed learning the power generating secrets for each of these techniques.
TaeKwonDo is about--in one sense--delivering focused power to a specific point in space.  As the student matures technically and physically; so, too, ought the student begin to expand their persona and psychological power.  The spiritual dimension is not something that comes just about. Like anything we must work to attain this greatest gift in the Martial Arts.
Tad Albano--http://about.me/tadalbano
Athens TaeKwonDo Academy
Athens Soccer Academy

Basic Belt Testing Knowledge

Numbers 1-hanna 2-dul 3-set 4-net 5-dasot 6-yasot 7-ilgub 8-yodul 9-ahob 10-yol

Class Commands cha-ryot attention  kyong-ye bow  joonbi ready  si-jak  begin  dorra about face barro return to ready  gu-mahn stop

Stances Sogi
1 Attention
2 Ready
3 Front
4 Fighting
5 Horseback Riding
6 Walking

Blocks Maggi//Marki

 Kicks Cha-gi
1 Ahp Front
2 Yop Side
3 Dolryo Roundhouse
4 Dwi Reverse
5 Bandul Crescent

Five Tenets of Tae Kwon Do
Courtesy  Integrity  Perseverance  Self Control  Indomitable Spirit

Meaning of Tae Kwon Do
Tae Foot
Kwon Fist
Do (moral culture or way of life)


Conversational Korean
Goodbye stays ahn-nyonhi gesipsiyo
Goodbye leaves ahn-nyonhi gasipsiyo
Greeting ahn-nyong hasimnika
Gamsa Hamnida Thank you (for teaching us)
Chonmaneyo You are Welcome

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Belt Testing Basics

Basic Belt Testing Knowledge

Numbers 1-hanna 2-dul 3-set 4-net 5-dasot 6-yasot 7-ilgub 8-yodul 9-ahob 10-yol

Class Commands
cha-ryot attention         kyong-ye bow         joonbi ready         si-jak  begin
dorra about face          barro return to ready          gu-mahn stop

Stances Sogi
1 Attention 

2 Ready
3 Front
4 Fighting
5 Horseback Riding
6 Walking

Blocks Maggi//Marki

Kicks Cha-gi--It is very important to remember the Principle of the Ball and Chain. Pivoting early on the support foot, provides momentum and proper joint alignment...Every kick has the circularity concept built in.

1 Ahp Front--Pivot on support foot to open up hips
2 Yop Side
3 Dolryo Roundhouse
4 Dwi Reverse
5 Bandul Crescent

Five Tenets of TaeKwonDo
Courtesy--An example is in the Salutations we use when coming and going.
Self Control--
Indomitable Spirit--An example is in the 10 punches to 1 punch metaphor: imagine you realize your opponent will defeat you, and strike you many times in the match.  Indomitable Spirit will lead you to seek out as many opportunities to counter your opponent, and land your strikes.  So defending against 10 blows and not seeking the opportunity for even one counter attack against your opponent implies a passivity of spirit. 

Meaning of TaeKwonDo
Tae Foot
Kwon Fist
Do (moral culture or way of life)

Korean Kimchi
Externalization of Internal Energy--Internal energy/awareness can be translated into the physical, or "external" world.  You are the fish in the Cup, and the boundaries of the Cup are your limits of your present energy and power. Martial Training concentrates and focuses your power, and teaches you the various dimensions through which you can access your power.  Martial Training agitates the Cup, so much that the Cup tips over, and you spill out into a puddle.

The puddle has increased your field of awareness, and you can now access new limits of power to which before you did not understand. Further training is like a raindance, and the deluge which eventually flows, floods the puddle, and moves you now into a dynamic, interactive, and flowing stream.  Your boundaries from the Cup, and the puddle, slowly become dim memories, as you can
now understand your progress with perspective.

Conversational Korean
Ahn-nyong hasimnika Hello, How are you?
Ahn-nyonhi gasipsiyo: Goodbye said by the person who leaves
Ahn-nyonhi gesipsiyo: Goodbye said by the person who stays

End of Class
 Gamsahabnida Thank you (for teaching us)
Chonmaneyo You are Welcome
Bulgogi - Grilled Marinated Beef - 불고기
Korean Bulgogi--불고기


